Saturday, March 14, 2009

Charter for Compassion

A conversation for possibility as I distinguish it is a conversation that speaks for a new future. This new future is not a future that is predictable, like a default future - one we will get by extending our past. Nor is it just one of some available scenarios, like an optional future - we could do this, or we could choose that, kind of future.

Some people live their lives from a future they are committed to - and one that is unlikely to be realized except without a transformation. These people live their lives from the future first - they take their actions in the present informed, not by the circumstances of the moment, but by the future they see as a possibility.

One such remarkable person is Karen Armstrong. She was on Bill Moyer's Journal last night (3/13/09). If her conversation, her intentions for the Charter, gather any momentum we will live in a different world. Watch the video.